Update: 27-9-’23 – Updated prices and adjustments in equipment
Starboard has been at the cradle of the IQfoil one design competition class for windsurfing. This rapidly growing competition class is now immensely popular among competitive surfers. Wingfoiling is also developing more and more towards a competitive sport. In the southern European countries there is already a lot of racing in competition. That is why the introduction of a ‘one design’ class for wingfoiling is a very logical step. Starboard introduces the X-15 One Design wingfoil competition class during foiling week on Lake Garda in early July. We have already received the invitation from Starboard :).
Starboard experience with one design classes
Starboard has been at the cradle of the IQfoil one design competition class for wind foiling. In a number of years, this new Olympic class has become the largest and most spectacular windsurfing one design class in the world. More than 300 participants are now participating in the start of a European or world championship IQfoil!
In addition to the senior class, Starboard has now also created the IQfoil youth competition class. That class is now even more popular than the senior classes. With slightly adapted material, the IQfoil youth one design class attracts almost 400 participants for the upcoming European Championships in Italy. And to think that this class started in 2021 (in Corana time).

Quite a logical step from Starboard to repeat the trick and this time for wingfoiling. That is why Starboard is going to introduce the X-15 one design competition class with great fanfare. Especially during the foiling week and the European Championships IQfoil youth (1st week of July) in Italy.
Philosophy behind a One Design class
Water sports are traditionally a very material driven sport. The one with the most money often has a greater chance of winning than the one who has to do it with 2nd hand material. Much more fun and honest is if everyone sails on the same material, so that it is really the ‘rider’ who can make the difference and not the material. In addition, most one design class are also aiming to keep it accessible in terms of cost.
The development within wingfoiling is currently going so fast that material and / or budget will be more and more decisive. An average wingfoil for wingfoil racing costs at least € 3,000 and there are already wings for racing that cost more than € 2,000. In order to ensure that, as with wind foiling, competition wing foiling can develop in width, the introduction of a one design is very important.
X-15 One Design class, the material

The X-15 material consists of 3 different boards, 1 foil and 2 different wings that are available in different sizes. Just like in the IQfoil windfoil unit class, there will be racing in 6 different classes;
- X-15 Junior U13 class
- X-15 Junior U15 class
- X-15 Youth U17 class
- X-15 Youth U19 class
- X-15 Senior Women’s Class
- X-15 Senior Men’s Class
Overview of X-15 material by class

- X-15 board 82 liter Starlite
- X-15 travel board bag
- X-15 foil with 100 cm alu mast +
- Wingset: MF 820/200 + 69 cm fuselage
- U13: X-15 Freewing 4,5 m2 (Dacron)
- U15: X-15 Freewing 5,0m2 (Dacron)

- X-15 board 82 liter Starlite
- X-15 travel board bag
- X-15 foil with 100 cm alu mast +
- Wingset: MF 820/200 + 69 cm fuselage
- U17: X-15 Freewing 5.5 m2 (Ho’okipa)
- U15: X-15 Freewing 6,0m2 (Ho’okipa)

- X-15 board 82 l Carbon (Women)
- X-15 board 95 l Carbon (Men)
- X-15 travel board bag
- X-15 foil with 100 cm alu mast +
- Wingset: MF 820/200 + 69 cm fuselage
- U17: X-15 Freewing 6,0 m2 (Ho’okipa)
- U15: X-15 Freewing 6,5m2 (Ho’okipa)
Prices X-15 class set
What the X-15 class set should cost has just been announced. A complete set will cost between €5,349 and €6,899 (including 21% VAT) depending on the class you will be racing in. In our webshop you will find prices per class.
X-15 material available
The X-15 material is available on a pre-order. We expect the X-15 wing foils to follow at the end of March ’24 and the boards and wings in the course of April ’24. All parts are also available separately. If you are interested, please send us an email or have a look in our webshop.